Current and Returning RPB Strikers Players
We will be offering every current RPB Strikers competitive player the guarantee to be SELECTED and return to RPB Strikers as a player for the 2024-2025 season PROVIDING THEY REGISTER ONLINE by May 1, 2024. All current players will be evaluated and placed to our upcoming 2024-2025 teams based on their performance during the 2023-2024 season, in combination with our 2024-2025 Tryouts. We require that all players attend Tryouts. If a player is unable to attend, that player will be solely evaluated based on their past performance, provided they are registered online by May 1, 2024. Players can still register online after May 1st but will no longer be granted a guaranteed position.
New Players to RPB Strikers
New players who are not currently active on a RPB Strikers roster will be selected based on a combination of their evaluation during our tryouts, prior staff evaluations during past competitions, and by their optional submission of any and all video recordings; including highlights, games, skills, etc. Such submission, or any questions, should be emailed to our RPB Strikers Director of Coaching at president@rpbstrikers.com. All new players must be registered online one week prior to Tryouts to be considered.
* Note: video recording submissions are not required, but optional.
Tryouts will take place the week of Monday, May 13, 2024 thru Saturday, May 18, 2024. Please refer to the schedule for specific age groups.
Once you are registered for tryouts you will receive all current news & updates by email. We will also post our “Tryout Schedule” to this website Tryout Info Page as soon as we have the exact date.
IMPORTANT: For current RPB Strikers players to be assured a position on a 2024-2025 team, all players must be registered online by May 1, 2024. All Players must be registered online to attend Tryouts; no exceptions! Online Registration is now available!
3. 2024-2025 Team Travel Policy
It will no longer be a requirement for RPB Strikers players to travel as a team group to tournaments, games, and events which require overnight hotel stays or air travel. All players of all ages will be allowed to travel and stay with their parents at all events during the 2024-2025 season. This will allow families to make their own decision regarding the safety and social distancing measures they prefer for their family during team travel. It will also allow families to reduce the cost of player travel by electing alternate means of player transportation and utilizing membership miles programs, and/or airline/hotel discount programs. However, our normal team travel procedure will also remain in effect and available for any player who elects to travel with their team, room with their teammates, and be chaperoned by team managers and staff. The choice will now be left to the individual family.
We hope that all of our revised policies will help and encourage every RPB Strikers player to participate in a safe and healthy upcoming 2024-2025 season. We CANNOT WAIT to see everyone back on the field soon!
Please click on the registration link below to register for our 2024-2025 Tryouts now!